Friday, August 19, 2011

New everything. . . means change.

So with Autism, routine and schedule is everything.  Changes are harder for my son than most kids.  I like to prep him way ahead of the changes so he has time to acclimate to the newness when it happens.  I know I'm  not alone in this- but trying to implement change is work.  I often think we all should parent in this fashion, kids need the routines and schedule.  It makes all the difference in the world.  My oldest son left for college this week, it was so hard trying to read the emotions and make sure that everyone was ok, and without the communication or tears- I just wondered if Patrick's heart was hurting as much as mine.  It made me so sensitive to remember to que into moments like this, and assure him it's ok and give him the chance to show his emotion.  We also got to meet his new Aide for the upcoming school year, and she seems like she's as excited about teaching as I am about his learning.  Another Godsend.  I'm amazed at His hand in every moment, I need to thank Him more. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome to my world

Life is a beautiful thing.  We make it what we want.  The mountains we climb are necessary to give us strength for the next one.  I'm honored to be alive and have the children I have.  I'm healthy.  I work hard.  I adore children.  I have lots of jobs, one of them is being the mother to a son with Autism.  He's awesome.  He teaches me things everyday, he works harder than I do.  He welcomes each day with laughter. He does  not judge, he sees with eyes that I wish I could borrow, if only for a moment.  Changes bring growth, stretch us, and most of all give us the fortitude to define what matters most.  It sometimes feels like a storm is raging overhead, and I look up- what I see is tremendous and yet the peace that consumes me can only have one source.  All the credit goes to the Lord.  Moment by moment, He is with me. . . and you.